Further resources
Bettina Neuhaus & Eva Karczag, 2015
Photo detail: Luca S
Books, links and more for further reading and watching

Some of the books and websites that inspire us:
Books on the Move - online bookstore with an extensive collection of books about dance and related topics
International Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education - idocde
Movement Research Performance Journal
Thinking Body Institute – TBI Catalog
University of Exeter Digital Archives – CNDO Archive
Albinus on Anatomy, ed. Hale & Coyle, ISBN 0-486-25836-X
Anatomy for Movement, Blandine Calais-Germain, ISBN 0-939616-17-3
Anatomy Train: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists, Thomas W. Myers, ISBN 0-443-06351-6
Bartleby: Anatomy of the Human Body – Henry Gray
Eyewitness Science / Skeleton, Steve Parker, ISBN 9780744034530
Eyewitness Science / The Human Body, Steve Parker, ISBN 13: 9781564583253
Leonardo on the Human Body, Leonardo da Vinci, ISBN 0486244830 / 9780486244839
The Anatomy Coloring Book, Kapit & Elson, ISBN 0-06-453914-8
The Body Moveable, David Gorman, ISBN 9781927437001
The Human Skeleton/Photographic Manual/Full Size, R.M.H. McGinn, R.T. Hutchings and B.M. Logan, ISBN 978-0815157953
Historical Anatomies of the Web
Royal Academy, Art and Artists
Welcome Library Collection of Anatomical Drawings
Body Awareness Approaches
A Creative Approach to Human Movement and Body Alignment - André Bernard, Wolfgang, Steinmüller, and Ursula Stricker, ISBN 13: 9781556435690
A Kinesthetic Legacy: Life and Work of Barbara Clark, Pamela Matt, ISBN 1-881914-25-9
Awareness Through Movement, M. Feldenkrais, ISBN 0-14-046420-4
Body and Earth, Andrea Olsen, Station Hill Press, ISBN 1-58465-010-9
Body Awareness in Action, Frank P. Jones, ISBN 0-8052-0628-0
Body Learning, Michael J. Gelb Henry Holt and Co., ISBN 0-8050-4206-7
Body Stories, Andrea Olsen, Station Hill Press, ISBN 9780882681061
Engaging the Movement of Life, Bonnie Gintis, ISBN 978-1-55643-607-9
Inside Motion, John Rolland, ISBN 9780965166515
Job’s Body, Deane Juhan, Station Hill Press, ISBN 0-88268-134-6
Rapids, Ziji Beth Goren, ISBN 0-937645-07-9
Sensing, Feeling and Action, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, ISBN 0-937645-036
Skinner Releasing Technique, A Movement Practice, Manny Emsly, ISBN-13: 978-1913743291
Taking Root to Fly, Irene Dowd, ISBN 9780964580503
The Thinking Body, Mabel Elsworth Todd, 9780871270146
Wisdom of the Body Moving, Linda Hartley, ISBN 1-55643-174-0
Contact Quarterly publications:
Ideokinesis and Creative Body Alignment, Andre Bernard, (CQ Reprints #3)
Bone Meditations, Remy Charlip, (CQ Vol. 7 No. 1, Fall 1981, p 21)
Now Thyself, Remy Charlip (CQ Reprints #5)
The Anatomy of Center - Nancy Topf and Release (CQ Chapbook 3 Vol 37 no 2. Summer/fall 2012)​

Eastern philosophy and practices
Awakening the Spine, Vanda Scarvelli, ISBN-0-06-250792-3
Dancer in the Light: The Life of Gerda ‘Pytt’ Geddes, Frank Woods, ISBN 978-0-9559181-0-0
Hara, Karlfried Graf Durckheim, ISBN 978-0042900124
Ki A Practical Guide for Westerners, William Reed, ISBN 0-87040-640-X
Ki In daily life, Koichi Tohei, Ki No Kernkyukai H.Q, ISBN 4-88996-071-6
Taijiquan, The Art of Nurturing, Science of Power, Yang Yang, ISBN 0-9740990-0-7
The Silent Pulse, George Leonard, Dutton, ISBN 0-525-48199-0
Zen Imagery Exercises, Masunaga, ISBN 0-87040-669-8
Zen in the Art of Archery, Herrigel, ISBN 978-0375705090
Improvisation, composition and imagination in movement
A Choreographer's Handbook, Jonathan Burrows, ISBN 9780-0-415-55530-2
A Choreographic Mind, Autobodygraphical Writings, Susan Rethorst, ISBN 978-952-9765-706
A Widening Field, Miranda Tufnell & Chris Crickmay, ISBN 1-85273-096-X
Action Theatre: the improvisation of presence, Ruth Zaporah, North Atlantic Books, 1995
Being in Contact, Encountering a Bare Body, Mariella Greil, ISBN 978-3-11-073939-8
Body, Space, Image, Miranda Tufnell & Chris Crickmay, ISBN 1-85381-131-9
Chance and Circumstance: Twenty Years With Cage and Cunningham, Carolyn Brown, ISBN: 9780394401911
Choreo-Graphic Figures, Deviations from the line, Nikolaus Gansterer, Emma Cocker, Mariella Greil, ISBN 978-3-11- 034660-6
Composing While Dancing: An Improviser's Companion, Melinda Buckwalter, ISBN 0299248143 / 9780299248147
Dancing Age(ing): Rethinking Age(ing) in and through Improvisation Practice and Performance, Susanne Martin, ISBN 978-3-8376-3714-4
Feelings Are Facts, Yvonne Rainer, ISBN 9-780262-182515
Handbook in Motion, Simone Forti, ISBN 0919616038 / 9780919616035
My Body, the Buddhist, Deborah Hay, ISBN 10: 0819563285
Nouvelles de danse n° 32-33 : On the Edge – Créateurs de l’imprévu: on dance improvisation in performance, ISBN 9 782930 146300
Radical Bodies Anna Halprin, Simone Forti, and Yvonne Rainer in California and New York, 1955-1972, Ninotchka Bennahum, Wendy Perron, Bruce Robertson (eds.) ISBN: 9780520293366
Standing in Space The Six Viewpoints Theory & Practice, Mary Overlie, ISBN 10: 1513613618 ISBN 13: 9781513613611
Taken by Surprise: a dance improvisation reader, Cooper Albright, Ann. and Gere, David. (eds.), ISBN 0819566489 / 9780819566485
The Grand Union: Accidental Anarchists of Downtown Dance, 1970-1976, Wendy Perron, ISBN 9780819579324
The Wise Body: Conversations with experienced dancers, Jacky Lansley, Fergus Early, ISBN 978-1-84150-418-6
This Very Moment: teaching thinking dancing, Barbara Dilley
Through the Eyes of a Dancer: Selected Writings, Wendy Perron, ISBN 9780819574077
Work 1961-73, Yvonne Rainer, ISBN-13 978-1732098633
Inspiration from other sources
A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech, ISBN 0-911121-00-5
Axial Stones: An Art of Precarious Balance, George Quasha, ISBN9781556435751
Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology, David Abram, ISBN 9780375421716
Being Alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description, Tim Ingold, ISBN 978-0-415-57684-0
Centering: in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person, M. C. Richards, ISBN 0-8195-6011-1
Conversing with John Cage, Richard Kostelanetz, ISBN 0-415-93792-2
Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery and invention, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, ISBN 978-0-06-092820-9
Deep Play, Diane Ackerman, ISBN 0-679-77135-2
Deep Listening: A Composer’s Sound Practice, Pauline Oliveros, ISBN 0-595-34365-1
Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond, Michael Nyman, ISBN 9780521653831
Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, ISBN 0-06-092043-2
Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art, Stephen Nachmanovitch, ISBN 0-87477-631-7
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, Michael J. Gelb, ISBN 0-440-50827-4
Relationscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy, Erin Manning, ISBN 9-780262-518000
Silence, John Cage, Lectures and Writings, Marion Boyars, ISBN 978-07145-1043-9
The Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, ISBN 0394573358 / 9780394573359
The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World, David Abram, ISBN 9780679776390
Where the Heart Beats: John Cage, Zen Buddhism and the Inner Life of Artists, Kay Larson, ISBN 10: 0143123475 ISBN 13: 9780143123477