What’s the big deal about independence?
Demanding freedom
“I would like to accept the award on behalf of Independent Dance Artists– that powerful and under-acknowledged workforce that is made up of all those artists who work in the demanding freedom outside the relative security of institutions.”
Gill Clark, in her acceptance letter of the Jane Attenborough Dance UK Industry Award in January 2011 for her outstanding contribution to dance.
listen to Gill Clark in Crossing Borders
About Independence
I began my professional dance career dancing in a well-known, very large, London-based touring ballet company. It was a dream come true.
Is dance political?
“Dance is political not because of its subject matter but because of the way dances are made, how they are structured, and what they show about people relating to each other.”
The Politics of Method - Stephanie Skura pp 183-189 in Reimaging America. The Arts of Social Change. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.1990